Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA)...
The World's Largest Sport Aviation Organization
International Miniature Aerobatic Club (IMAC)...
Tucson Radio Control Club (TRCC)...Tucson's largest R/C aircraft club
RC Modeling...A good beginners site for those new
to R/C, includes a terrific links list.
Oro Valley E-Flyers...
Electric-powered RC Model Aircraft Flying Group
Kennon Covers...
Manufacturer of protective covers, sun shields, and heat screens for
general aviation, business aviation and military aviation air planes and helicopters.
Manufacturer of padded wingbags for R/C aircraft with focus on giant scale.
Zurich Sunglasses...
Can't fly if you can't see.
Experimental Aircraft Models...
R/C Scale Models of Homebuilt Aircraft.
FN Models...
Models from A to Z
Watt Noise...
Aerial Photography, from big planes or little planes
Ylivieska R/C Club, Finland...
Henry Huumo